What is The Anointing?

The church seems to have a conflicting relationship with what some people refer to as “the anointing.” Some circles are all about it, some don’t have anything to say about it at all, and others rarely mention it outside of harshly criticizing those who proudly boast of its work in their lives and ministries. 

But what exactly is the anointing? This seemingly simple inquiry can result in confusion laced with frustration and a lot of head-scratching. Various explanations have been touted throughout the years by those we can only assume have good intentions. Unfortunately, the lack of clarification has resulted in false teaching with often detrimental outcomes. Therefore, the purpose of this writing is to correct some of those unfortunate teachings and encourage each individual believer to have confidence in what their relationship with Jesus Christ really means. 

In order to understand what “the anointing” is, we need to get down to the basics. 

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The Fruit of The Wife In Marriage


The Fruit of the Respiratory Tree