About Me Pt. 2
Hello 👋🏾.
It’s been more than a minute, I know, since I’ve written on this blog. Life has definitely been interesting these past few years. (Years?! Can you believe it’s 2025 already?! Yes, I can, because I’m very tired 😊.) I just wanted to take a moment to share with you all where I’ve been.)
When I first started this website I had a passion for both God and education. My goal was to share as much as I could about God and Christianity, and to freely give to others the knowledge God had allowed me to receive. (To really read my heart on this, click here.) My intentions were good, but that was a few years ago and my life has totally changed since then.
For starters, I am now the proud mama of a beautiful, healthy, and incredibly smart little boy.
I am also divorced.
Needless to say, the past few years have been hard. On one hand, I received the one thing in life I’d always wanted and spent the majority of my adult life praying for. A baby. God, in His faithfulness, made me a mother. But on the other hand, the marriage I spent nearly two decades in, pouring into, fighting for, praying over, and giving all I had to did not survive. It. Hurt. And it took more than a few minutes to process. Did God bless me and curse me at the same time?
I still believe in the goodness of God. I still believe He is loving and caring and cares about me and the child He gave me. I still believe in marriage and believe it is an illustration of Christ’s relationship with the Church, as Ephesians 5:22-23 states. I also still believe that God hates divorce (Mal. 2:15-16), but in some instances, He allows it (Ex. 21:10-11; Deut. 24:1-4; Matt. 19:3-12).
I also still believe He’d like to use me for His glory.
So here I am. Flawed but perfected by His grace. Wounded but healed by His stripes. Standing on the edge, about to dip my foot in this water and step into the newness of what God has called me to.
Being a homeschool mom.
Still ministry, but with a different direction and focus. One that requires so much more of my time and energy than I could have ever imagined. One that does not allow me to faithfully keep up with this blog the way that I did in the past.
But I’ve decided to keep this site up for now in prayers that it will continue to be a blessing to whoever could use it. I’m only one person, though, crying out to you all to know God, love God, and love His people.
Until the next post, whenever that may be…
- LaShanda