Latest Teachings
God Created All Things
A review of the creation account found in Gen. 1-2 reveals that God created the heavens and the earth and everything they contain. He made the mountains. He made the seas. He made the oceans, the animals, seed-bearing plants for food, and human beings. He looked at everything He created and determined that it was good (Gen. 1:31).
The Holy Spirit is Female
The Holy Spirit is female. You may be thinking, “What in the world are you talking about? The Bible uses male pronouns for the Holy Spirit!” Yes, it does. However, we need to consider a few things before proceeding.
God Is 3
This is a scripture that many people know by heart, and it’s easy to allow our eyes to float over the words without taking in the significance of its meaning. But this one scripture is saying so much more than a quick glance will ever give credit. It is profound. For one reason, it’s talking about God. Hello! Another reason is that it’s talking about creation. Another amazing thing. And lastly, it’s talking about heaven and earth.